We’ve built a new state-of-the-art, stainless steel reinforced crossing restoring a vital transport link in Scotland.
Constructed in 1964, Burnshot Bridge provided a vital link on the A90 corridor from Edinburgh to the Forth Bridge Road. After many years of use, the bridge was closed to traffic in 2016 due to deteriorating joints and structural integrity issues to the bridge deck.
Procured via the SCAPE Scotland Civil Engineering framework, The City of Edinburgh Council appointed Balfour Beatty to carry out the demolition of the existing infrastructure and the construction of a new bridge. More than 200 engineers and designers worked on the complex project to design and build the new 33m wide state-of-the-art stainless-steel reinforced bridge.

After the original bridge was demolished in early 2017, a temporary pedestrian bridge was initially installed to support existing services and to ensure the community remained connected to the local transport network whilst the new bridge was being constructed.
Our scope of works included:
- Site clearance
- New foundations and superstructure for the new bridge
- Reinforced earth abutments
- 17 33m single span bridge beams supporting a reinforced bridge deck containing stainless steel reinforcement
- Drainage works
- Road pavement
- Road restraint systems
- Signs and road markings
- Landscaping
waste diverted from landfill
added social value per £1 spend
local labour
Collaborative working
Through early engagement and collaborative working between the project team and our supply chain, we were able minimise risks and overcome geotechnical challenges at the site where the bridge is situated.
The team hosted regular engagement events at the local library and developed a 3D model to help explain the project and what our works involved to local residents. This helped our team build good relations within the local community and kept them well informed of any disruption and our progress.
Improving journeys for travellers for years to come
The new bridge has an expected 120-year lifespan and was designed with input from active travel groups to improve the cycling and pedestrian experience by including a segregated eastbound cycle lane and shared-use path.
Positively impacting the local community
Throughout the project, we worked closely with the local community and created a bespoke community benefits plan with the main objectives of:
- Increasing community engagement through local STEM events with primary and secondary school pupils, volunteering and fundraising
- Reducing our C02 emissions by 50% using innovative plant and equipment such as hybrid generators
- Providing employment opportunities for apprentices and graduates
Additionally, the project team hosted two work experience placements for HNC Civil Engineering students from Fife College. During their placements, both students attained their Silver Industrial Cadet Awards.