Materiality Assessment

We want our sustainability strategy to make a difference. We want to make sure it’s deliverable and, as a business that values data, that it is both fully measurable and rooted in fact.

That’s why we invested so much time and effort in using both quantitative and qualitative data and consulting a wide range of stakeholders on what it should include.

In 2019, we undertook a survey to identify the sustainability topics that mattered to stakeholders. Perhaps unsurprisingly, carbon, energy and climate change featured prominently alongside resource efficiency. Other topics such as environmental protection, employment practices and community engagement featured highly, as illustrated in the table below.

Following the survey, we continued our dialogue with stakeholders to further understand what mattered most to them in each of the areas identified. Based on this feedback, we have developed our strategy to focus on three key areas: environment, materials and communities and further tested it with our internal sustainability specialists across the UK, US and Hong Kong as well as drawing on information from professional bodies.

Stakeholder priorities

The table below illustrates the key priorities for different stakeholders, but is by no means exhaustive and can be subjective. The information is based on desktop reviews, customer and people surveys and interviews, but may not represent the views of all stakeholders. The size of the bubble demonstrates the importance of the topic to the stakeholder group.


Sustainability stakeholder priorities