Press Release

AGM 2012 Results

5 April 2012


Balfour Beatty plc (the “Company”) announces that at its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) held earlier today, all of the resolutions set out in the Notice of AGM dated 5 April 2012 were passed following a poll on each resolution.

The results of the polls were as follows:

  For Against Votes Withheld
Resolution 1: To adopt the Directors' report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011 405,687,807 (97.79%) 9,154,133 (2.21%) 14,791,033
Resolution 2: To approve the Directors' remuneration report for the year ended 31 December 2011 414,810,022 (98.87%) 4,732,739 (1.13%) 10,090,212
Resolution 3: To declare a final dividend on the ordinary shares of the Company 429,606,182 (100.0%) 9,534 (Nil%) 17,257
Resolution 4: To re-elect Mr S Marshall as a Director 419,917,948 (97.76%) 9,618,925 (2.24%) 96,280
Resolution 5: To re-elect Mr R M Amen as a Director 425,606,384 (99.08%) 3,963,070 (0.92%) 63,519
Resolution 6: To re-elect Mr M J Donovan as a Director 425,542,682 (99.08%) 3,961,137 (0.92%) 129,154
Resolution 7: To re-elect Mr I G T Ferguson CBE as a Director 423,948,314 (98.69%) 5,611,924 (1.31%) 73,005
Resolution 8: To re-elect Mr G E H Krossa as a Director 423,751,711 (98.67%) 5,699,940 (1.33%) 181,322
Resolution 9: To re-elect Mr D J Magrath as a Director 419,945,358 (97.76%) 9,623,181 (2.24%) 64,434
Resolution 10: To re-elect Mr A J McNaughton as a Director 419,949,128 (97.76%) 9,622,411 (2.24%) 61,434
Resolution 11: To re-elect Mr A L P Rabin as a Director 419,905,696 (97.75%) 9,653,731 (2.25%) 72,832
Resolution 12: To re-elect Mr G C Roberts as a Director 424,791,980 (98.89%) 4,768,787 (1.11%) 71,492
Resolution 13: To re-elect Mr I P Tyler as a Director 413,091,966 (96.16%) 16,478,984 (3.84%) 61,309
Resolution 14: To re-elect Mr R J W Walvis as a Director 403,503,279 (97.21%) 11,580,143 (2.79%) 14,548,837
Resolution 15: To re-elect Mr P J L Zinkin as a Director 419,903,331 (97.75%) 9,666,620 (2.25%) 62,308
Resolution 16: To re-appoint Deloitte LLP as auditor 421,144,974 (99.46%) 2,266,141 (0.54%) 6,221,144
Resolution 17: To authorise the Company and its UK subsidiaries to incur political expenditure 422,067,612 (98.63%) 5,854,909 (1.37%) 1,709,668
Resolution 18: To authorise the Directors to allot shares 405,439,172 (94.87%) 21,922,856 (5.13%) 2,270,945
Resolution 19: To authorise the Directors to allot shares for cash 428,973,205 (99.88%) 526,600 (0.12%) 133,168
Resolution 20: To renew the authority for the Company to purchase its own ordinary and preference shares 426,735,417 (99.35%) 2,803,102 (0.65%) 94,454
Resolution 21: To authorise the Company to hold general meetings, other than an Annual General Meeting, on 14 clear days' notice 379,065,207 (88.24%) 50,509,584 (11.76%) 58,182


  1. The percentages above are rounded to two decimal places.
  2. A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of votes “For” and “Against” a resolution.
  3. The total number of Ordinary Shares of 50p each in the Company in issue at 6.00 pm on 8 May 2012 was 687,544,175, each carrying one vote.
  4. Resolutions 19 to 21 were each passed as Special Resolutions.

In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2R, copies of each of Resolutions 17 to 21 will be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at