Video: Building New Futures - sustainability strategy
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Sustainability examples from across our business:
Rainwater harvesting
Our team in Aberdeen used a rainwater harvesting system to collect rainwater falling onto the site. The rainwater was used to make brine - a substance used to prevent roads from icing and becoming slippery. This system reduced the amount of mains water supply that the compound used, saving money and associated carbon emissions.
Solar-powered generator
One of project in Watford we used a solar-powered generator to power the crane's warning lights. This means that during the day the solar power from the sun was stored in a battery and can be used to power the lights at night, removing the need for a diesel generator. This reduces noise pollution, fuel consumption, carbon emissions, improves air quality and also saves money.
Reduction in single-use plastic
On a project in London we are working towards a zero single-use plastic site. All employees have been provided with reusable bottles and tote bags to discourage plastics bottles and bags; coffee pods have been replaced with fresh beans; all deliveries to site are now in cardboard boxes rather than plastic. The team have also stopped laminating posters and switched to ordering milk in glass bottles.
Use of sniffer dogs to identify the presence of newts
Great crested newts are a protected species under UK law which means that before any construction work can commence on site, surveys must be undertaken to identify if newts are present. If found, they must be dealt with appropriately. Our project team at Hitchin used sniffer dogs to identify the presence of newts which saved time and prevented delays with the project. During their searching for great crested newts, the project team also ensured our works wouldn’t harm the local wildlife and made certain that they followed legal guidelines.
Electric mini diggers
In Hull, electric mini diggers were used instead of diesel powered plant to create a fume-free space. With no mains power on site, a diesel generator would have had to be used to charge the mini diggers. Instead, the project utilised a solar-hybrid generator, meaning that the diesel generator was avoided, saving money, fuel and reducing carbon emissions, noise and air pollution.
Motion sensor LED lights
In our Hereford office, motion sensor LED lights have been installed which have a greater efficiency than normal light bulbs and so, save energy. Solar panels were also added to enable the office to run off green energy sources. These measures all helped to make the office more sustainable, resulting in estimated savings of £6,238 per year.
Dry wheel wash
At a project site in Kent, a dry wheel wash was put in place to prevent dust and mud spreading on to the local roads. Vehicles were only allowed to leave the site once the Site Manager deemed the wheels clean. This kept local roads dust-free and minimised the risk of air pollution by air-borne dust.
Noise mufflers and acoustic barriers
On a project in Birmingham, we had to carry out some work activities over the Christmas break. To ensure the disturbance to neighbours and noise was kept to a minimum, all plant on site was fitted with mufflers and static plant was moved as far away from residents properties as possible. Acoustic barriers were also installed along the site boundary to reduce noise levels.
Living wall
In Southampton we have installed a living wall with over 11,000 plants comprising 17 different plant species.The species used had the ability to capture pollutants in the air, leading to improved air quality. Living walls also help to improve mental health and well-being as they creates a nicer atmosphere for people to work and live in.